평일 (Weekday) : 12:00pm~19:00pm
주말 (Weekend) : 12:00pm~19:00pm
휴관일 (Closed days) : 일(Sun), 월(Mon), 공휴일(a public holida)
본 전시는 '보이지 않는 것'을 시각적 대상으로 했을 때 가능해지는 조각적 행위들에 초점을 맞춘다. '없음'을 모델링하기, '없음'을 캐스팅하기, '사라지거나, 시각적으로 존재하지 않는 것'을 바라보기. 그리고 '없음, 사라짐, 비가시적임'을 사고 영역의 확장을 위한 촉매제로 상정하고, '보는 행위'를 대리/ 매개하는 조각적 방법/ 실험을 시도한다. 이렇게 전시는 논리와 감각, 실재와 상상, 현실과 상징 사이를 오가며 무언가를 발견하길 요구한다.
KIM Inbai's work challenges established perceptual systems by encompassing both the rigid form of his sculptures and the (im)material environmental conditions that surround them, driven by the belief to uncover the relationship between the static state of sculpture and the motility that extends beyond its image. While most artworks and exhibitions present a fixed perspective through defined forms, his work instead permits—or even welcomes—states of indeterminacy. More precisely, his sculptures are less about visually fixed phenomena and more about forms that embody dynamic possibilities, revealed according to the viewer's perspective. They exist on the boundaries of dimensions, or perhaps propose new dimensions altogether.
This exhibition focuses on sculptural gestures that could be ironically possible from the ""invisible"". It involves modeling ""absence,"" casting ""nothingness,"" observing what has disappeared or is visually non-existent. The show posits ""absence, disappearance, and invisibility"" as catalysts for expanding the realm of thought, experimenting with sculptural methods that mediate or substitute the act of ""seeing."" In doing so, the exhibition invites discovery across the boundaries of logic and sensation, reality and imagination, the real and the symbolic.