평일 (Weekday) : 11:00am~20:00pm (19:30pm 입장마감)
주말 (Weekend) : 11:00am~20:00pm (19:30pm 입장마감)
휴관일 (Closed days) : 월(Mon), 추석연휴(Chuseok holiday)
전시 《You can call it Thunder (천둥이라 불러줘)》는 토비아스 레베르거의 혁신적이고 다채로운 작품들을 통해 관람객들에게 예술의 경계를 넘나들 수 있는 기회를 제공한다. 특히, 루이까또즈의 로고와 작가 특유의 색감과 패턴이 어우러진 스토어는 패션과 예술의 융합적 실험의 공간 경험을 촉진하는 특별한 장소로 탈바꿈한다.
Platform-L Contemporary Art Center is pleased to present the solo exhibition 《You can call it Thunder》 by the multigenre artist Tobias Rehberger from August 20, 2024, to October 10, 2024.
This exhibition explores the conceptual and multilayered contemplation as well as questions regarding art itself. In the exhibition, oil and watercolor paintings and sculptures using 3D print will be showcased. Especially, new works such as 〈Yes〉(2024), 〈No〉(2024), and 〈Infinity Box〉(2024) will be exhibited for the first time in Korea. Visitors will have the opportunity to cross over the boundaries of the arts by encountering Rehberger's innovative and wide-ranging works. Filling the exhibition space with rich and stylish patterns and color palette, the artist conveys bursting energy to the visitors.
We invite you to join us to experience the serious and delightful, abstract and poetic art world of Tobias Rehberger."