평일 (Weekday) : 10:00am~19:00pm(입장마감 18:00)
주말 (Weekend) : 10:00am~19:00pm(입장마감 18:00)
휴관일 (Closed days) : 2024. 9. 2. 월요일
(Monday, September 2, 2024)
일정한 거리를 두고 바라본 우리 삶 속에서, 시야는 넓어지고 고민은 가벼워지는 여유를 느껴보자.
Highlighting the urban patterns captured by New York-based photographer Lee Kyung Jun.
In our lives, viewed from a certain distance,
Let's experience a sense of relaxation that comes from a broader perspective and lighter worries.