평일 (Weekday) : 13:00pm~18:00pm
주말 (Weekend) : 13:00pm~18:00pm
휴관일 (Closed days) : 월(Mon)
작업을 통해 이주선은 관람객들에게 언어적 표현을 넘어 인간 감정의 복잡성을 탐색하도록 유도한다. 또한 그는 재료와 형태에 대한 민감한 감수성으로 개개인에게 위안을 경험하고 연대를 발견하도록 한다. 이는 궁극적으로 작가, 관객, 작업의 경계를 초월하는 공감의 순환을 촉진한다.
이주선은 2023년 조각과 설치 전공으로 비엔나 예술 아카데미를 졸업하고 현재는 베를린 예술대학교에서 퍼포먼스와 설치를 전공하고 있다. 2024년 4월부터 비엔나 시립미술관의 그룹전시 ‘Come as You Are’에 참여하고 있으며 최근 전시는 Sideshadowing (KSRoom, 콘베어그, 오스트리아, 2023)과 YCC (Young Curators Club)이 기획한 ‘PATCHWORK’ (lautlos.haus, 비엔나, 오스트리아, 2023)이다.
THEA is Jusun Lee's solo exhibition. The Greek origin of THEA, meaning to see or to behold, represents the point at which Lee aims to reveal himself through his work and connect with the audience for appreciation. Seeing leads to appreciation and sharing. However, as time passes, emotions fade away, leaving only the fact of having witnessed. Instead of striving for understanding and emotional persuasion, Lee materializes a narrative of self-discovery and communal resonance in installations he crafts from latex and metal. His work – born from a nuanced understanding of his own identity during periods of social alienation-surpass personal anecdotes to become conduits of collective communication.
Through his art, Lee invites viewers to navigate the intricacies of human emotion, where understanding thrives beyond verbal articulation. With a great sensitivity towards material and form, the artist invites individuals to find solace and solidarity in shared experiences, fostering a cycle of empathy that transcends boundaries.
Jusun Lee (b.1992, South Korea) lives in Berlin and Seoul. Lee graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna in 2023, where he studied sculpture and installation with Nora Schulz. He is currently studying performance and installation with Jimmy Robert at the Berlin University of the Arts. Since April, Lee has participated in the group exhibition Come as You Are (Kunsthalle Vienna,2024), and his recent exhibitions are Sideshadowing (KSRoom, Kornberg, Austria 2023) and PATCHWORK, curated by the Young Curators Club (lautlos.haus, Vienna, Austria, 2023).