평일 (Weekday) : 10:00am~18:00pm (17:30까지 입장가능)
주말 (Weekend) : 10:00am~18:00pm (17:30까지 입장가능)
휴관일 (Closed days) : 월요일, 1월 1일, 설날/추석 당일
Every Monday, New Year's Day, Lunar Year's Day and Korean Thanksgiving Day
Jongno Pak No-soo Art Museum presents a special exhibition titled 「Daily Journey from Ganwon Studio」 to commemorate its 11th anniversary. The exhibition brings together materials and artworks from the 1990s, during Pak No-soo's creative period at Ganwon Studio. It also highlights , a media work where the disabled artist Bak Yu-seok reinterprets Pak's art through his unique perspective and language.