평일 (Weekday) : 12:00pm~18:00pm
주말 (Weekend) : 12:00pm~18:00pm
휴관일 (Closed days) : 일(Sun), 공휴일(public holiday)
The exhibition title, "Glitch-philic," is an amalgamation of "Glitch," which refers to mistakes or errors, and "-philic," meaning an enthusiast or lover. "Glitch-philic" is a solo exhibition by artist Sooji Lee, following her latest artistic endeavor since her 2023 exhibition, "Four Tools“. In "Four Tools”, Lee presented four self-created tools (to be used) as artworks from a perspective of being in progress and currently ongoing, displaying them alongside texts by curator Hwijae Lim. This work highlighted the co-evolution of both the creator and the tools, as well as the co-evolution between the artist and the curator. Her previous exhibition revolved around the ‘process’ of reconciling the irreconcilable, which largely connoted the relationship between her and her tools, along with the tension and conflict that existed between them. In contrast, in “Glitch-philic" she shifts her focus to the 'result’ that comes after the ‘process’. In this exhibition, Lee particularly turns her attention to glitches discovered by focusing on the outcome rather than the tool-making process. She concentrates on the uncontrollable tension and conflict surrounded by mistakes and errors, and the aesthetics and attitudes that emerged from them. This unfolds within the context of the (im)possibility of distinguishing between process and result, that is, the ‘potential energy’ of the artist arising from various discrepancies.