평일 (Weekday) : 11:00am~18:00pm
주말 (Weekend) : 11:00am~18:00pm
휴관일 (Closed days) : 일(Sun), 월(Mon)
정세라 작가의 이번 전시는 늘 존재해 온 작가의 빛의 시간을 이야기하며 부재와 존재의 시각적 이념적 공간을 감성적 시선의 내면을 집결하고, 익숙하지만 생소한, 눈부시지만 어두운 새로운 빛을 선사한다.
Imagining the city of day and night without people will bring forth the emptiness and insecurity as the primary emotion. The natural light shining down on the empty space is dazzling with a white glare that has lost its focus, and the countless artificial lights that break the light prepare another human epic. This exhibition by Jeong Se-Ra talks about the artist's time of light that has always existed, gathers the visual and ideological space of absence and existence within the emotional gaze, and presents a new light that is familiar but unfamiliar and glaring but dark new light.