평일 (Weekday) : 12:00pm~19:00pm
주말 (Weekend) : 12:00pm~19:00pm
휴관일 (Closed days) : 일(Sun), 월(Mon), 화(Tues)
Seoul Kim approaches painting as a process of essential questions and answers. He engages with the language of abstract painting from a thoroughly materialist perspective, investigating the role and potential of tools and methodologies such as brushes, paint, canvas fabric, and frames in the contemporary art world. Kim's new series Scalar and Vector, presented in this exhibition, explores the texture and mobility of color, which varies based on the size, direction, and intensity of brushstrokes. For him, color is initially perceived as an industrial material composed of various mixtures before it becomes a signifier of meaning in art. The artist relentlessly explores the properties of each type of paint, completing his works by sequentially placing materials on the canvas as if designing an architectural structure, resulting in a seamless abstract screen.