평일 (Weekday) : 10:30am~19:00pm
주말 (Weekend) : 10:30am~19:00pm
휴관일 (Closed days) : 없음 (None)
그의 대작(大作)을 마주하노라면, 나 자신이 그 자연 속에 존재하는 것처럼 착각을 불러일으킴과 동시에 일흔이 넘은 작가가 거대한 화폭을 넘나들며 춤을 추듯 그려내는 과정이 고스란히 느껴집니다. 그의 작품들은 별다른 해석이 필요치 않습니다. 직관적인 감상과 이해, 그 후 각자의 서사에 의한 해석이 존재할 뿐입니다.
모두가 바삐 살아내는 오늘, 그리고 회색 빛 건물들이 가득 찬 서울의 중심에서 잠시 무거운 마음을 내려놓고 자연의 촉감과 청각, 시각을 경험하는 시간을 보내시기를 바랍니다. 평생을 예술에 대한 열정과 혼을 쏟은 강요배 작가에게 경의를 표하며 앞으로의 행보를 응원합니다. 호반문화재단이 든든한 지원자이자 동반자가 되도록 하겠습니다.
Artist Kang Yo Bae has established his unique ourlook through years of dedication to his paintings, focusing on themes of society, history, and nature. In his early years, he captured his own sharp and incisive perspective on historical events and society through his paintings. Since returning to his hometown Jeju in 1992, he has been working on embodying and resonating with the natural landscape of Jeju, immersing himself fully in its environment. This exhibition features his latest works, which dynamically captured the natural essence of Jeju’s sea, wind, mountains, fields, flowers, and birds.
Facing his large-scale paintings, one is immersed in nature, as if existing within it.
Simultaneously, it allows one to feel the process of a seasoned artist in his seventies moving across the extensive canvases, as if dancing. His paintings do not require elaborate interpretation; they invite intuitive appreciation and understanding, followed by individual narratives and interpretations.
In today's fast-paced world and amidst the gray buildings of center of Seoul, we hope you take a moment to put down your heavy thoughts and experience the textures, sounds, and visual sensations of nature. We extend our respect to artist Kang Yo bae, who has devoted his life to his passion and spirit for art, and we support his future endeavors. Hoban Cultural Foundation will be a strong supporter and companion.