평일 (Weekday) : 11:00am~18:00pm
주말 (Weekend) : 11:00am~18:00pm
휴관일 (Closed days) : 월(Mon), 화(Tues), 공휴일(a public holiday)
Daul Rheem’s solo exhibition, ""Rheem, Daul,"" presents a rich and multi-layered collection of works that span new media and performances, with a central focus on the ""Support Series,"" a series of metal frames draped with paintings on both sides. Rheem has long explored the concept of ""illusionism,"" often intertwined with the pessimism inherent in realism and political art activism, seeking to acknowledge the inherent negativity of existence as a form of ""truth."" His work delves into the intricate relationships between ""existence"" and ""perception,"" ""virtuality"" and ""truth,"" and the dynamic interplay between the ""virtual modes"" of matter and the ""reality of truth.""