평일 (Weekday) : 12:00pm~18:00pm
주말 (Weekend) : 12:00pm~18:00pm
휴관일 (Closed days) : 일(Sun), 공휴일(public holiday)
Seulki Ki presents a series of mirror works in her solo exhibition, "Geist in the Exhibition," which explore the visual experience of 'gaze' as a contemporary photographer. This new series combines photography and mirrors, simultaneously reproducing the reflection and distortion created by reflective surfaces while fully revealing the inherent properties of the mirror. The subjects in these works exist within the reflective range of the space influenced by the mirror, appearing from multiple perspectives. During the time they occupy the space, the audience becomes intertwined with the work itself.
The title "Geist in the Exhibition" uses the German word "Geist" instead of the English word "Ghost." "Geist" is not merely a term for a spiritual being; it is broadly used as a philosophical term encompassing meanings such as spirit, mind, intellect, and atmosphere. This exhibition seeks to present the concept of the human mental realm and capabilities inherent in the word "Geist" as a metaphor for the visual experience that combines Ki's photographic work, the physicality of the photograph, and the space. Curated by Sue Kim of the Soorim Cultural Foundation, the exhibition runs until October 19 at the Kim Hee Soo Art Center.