《파생적 메시아》
Derivative Messiah
평일 (Weekday) : 10:00am~19:00pm
주말 (Weekend) : 10:00am~19:00pm
휴관일 (Closed days) : 일(Sun), 월(Mon), 공휴일(a public holiday)
두산아트센터 두산갤러리는 2007년 개관한 비영리 기관으로, 전시를 비롯하여 두산 큐레이터 워크숍, 해외 레지던시 프로그램 등 다양한 국내외 프로그램을 통해 한국 동시대 미술의 저변 확대와 국제화에 기여하고 있다. 두산연강예술상은 2010년에 제정된 상으로, 미술과 공연 분야에서 독자적인 세계를 구축하고 새로운 흐름을 만들어가는 예술가를 지원한다.
DOOSAN Art Center DOOSAN Gallery will present Sinae Yoo's solo exhibition, Derivative Messiah, from September 4th to October 12th. Sinae Yoo is the recipient of the 14th DOOSAN Yonkang Arts Awards in Visual Arts. Yoo critically examines the impact of capitalism on human perceptions and lives through interdisciplinary art. The exhibition, centered on the video work, Derivative Messiah, explores the new messianism of today, shaped by the dynamics between individuals and society. Through various mediums such as video, sculpture, and painting, Yoo captures the structures of commodified religion and the narcissistic desires inherent in salvation.
DOOSAN Gallery is part of DOOSAN Art Center, one of South Korea's foremost nonprofit institutions that has been at the forefront of promoting artistic innovation in Seoul since its establishment in 2007. DOOSAN is dedicated to nurturing artistic practice through a wide range of initiatives including exhibitions, international residency programs, and the DOOSAN Curator Workshop to incubate curators. Since its establishment in 2010, DOOSAN Yonkang Arts Awards recognizes outstanding artists and their original and innovative work in the performing and visual arts.