Arisson Media Design Factory (Jeong Seungmin, Lee Hyero, Han Jiyoon)
평일 (Weekday) : 10:00am~18:00pm
주말 (Weekend) : 10:00am~18:00pm
휴관일: 매주 월요일 (단, 추석연휴 9/16 정상 운영, 9/19일 휴관)
Arisson Media Design Factory (Jeong Seungmin, Lee Hyero, Han Jiyoon)
The interactive exhibition for children, 'Tok! Tok! Museum,' prepared in collaboration with artists Jeong Seung-min, Lee Hye-ro, and Han Ji-yoon from the domestic media group 'Arisong Media Design Factory,' is a convergent exhibition program that recreates the natural environment through various sensory experiences. In this exhibition, children can experience the beauty and wonder of nature through multiple senses, including sight, sound, and touch. Additionally, by utilizing unique and imaginative mixed materials, the program stimulates children's creativity and encourages them to see the world from a new perspective. The goal of this program is to help children develop creative thinking and explore diverse forms of artistic expression through interaction with nature.