평일 (Weekday) : 10:00am~21:00pm
주말 (Weekend) : 10:00am~21:00pm
휴관일 (Closed days) : 월(Mon), 공휴일(a public holiday)
예술을 맛보고(Bite), 사는(Buy) 즐거운 경험이 될 아트페어
작가는 두 지역의 전시 공간을 기반으로 작품을 선보여 교류하는 가운데 새로운 관계망을 형성하고 성장하는 기회를 얻길 바랍니다.
Seocho Cultural Foundation x Gwanak Foundation for Arts & Culture are jointly hosting an Exchange Art Fair called
The Art Fair
We aim to provide an opportunity for both citizens and artists. Local citizens can enjoy the opportunity to have a taste (Bite) and collect (Buy) artworks created by artists with unique talents and the artists can have the opportunity to expand their network, grow professionally, and interact with others by presenting their works in these exhibition spaces.